Sunday, April 24, 2011

China:Its History and Culture 214-285

In this last section of China's history, after many things that occurred in China's land, religion, country, and government, changes are still being made to this day, as well as the rest of the world. After the many revolutions, China enters a reform era, where there were economic and social changes, political change, and eventually changes made into science and technology. There are still changes made into China's geography, such as Tiananmen square. Throughout time, China has changed a lot, and has influenced the world largely also. China has changed in economics, politics, culture and religion, and many more that was influenced by Europe and other countries. The environment changed, and China's relationship with other countries grew, such as with the United States.

"In imperial times religious customs and practices were a powerful source of social cohesion and local identity."

After reading this quote, it reminded me about Othello, where religion in society showed who one was and if they were to be praised, allied, and despised.

China:Its History and Culture 143-213

In the third section of this history of China, after the many dynasties in China began, they began to disappear as China entered into the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. This drew China's civilization closer and deeper into a modern time with the rest of the world. At the same time, China entered into a period of revolutions among the country. First came the Republican revolution, where there were many different leaders at he time that tried to control China. Controllers from either China, other parts of Asia, or elsewhere. Then other revolutions began such as the Communists Revolution, where the Communists tried to take control of government as the republicans.As changes were being made in China, eventually came the time to change culture a bit, in the Cultural Revolution, where it would create a more social society for China.

"China and Europe had known of each other's existence in a nebulous way for centuries."

After reading this quote, I had no clue what 'nebulous' meant until I searched it up, and found that it meant vague. Once putting the missing piece back into the puzzle, I laughed and thought that there are still mysteries in China that the rest of the world, even Europe, China's neighbor, that are still hidden to today.

China:Its History and Culture 71-142

In the second section of this historical book of China, more and more things occur in China such as outsiders coming into China, Generals leading armies, and even more dynasties. As China begins to expand, and as more and more dynasties appear, civilization in China grows larger and larger. In this section, six more dynasties are introduced as China breaks out of isolation from the rest of the world and joins them into modernization. As civilization increases, the Sui and Tang dynasties are established. When China enters the Modern times with the rest of the world, the Song dynasty, the Jin dynasty, in North China, and the Southern Song dynasty, in Southern China are created. Although, their Modernization is interrupted by Mongolians, leading int o the Yuan dynasty. Long after the Mongolian rule, China regained power, and two more dynasties appeared, the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

"The Japanese, Koreans, peoples of Central and Southeast Asia, and elsewhere were om their turn receiving cultural influences from the brilliant Tang Court and incorporating them in their own lifestyles;"

After reading this quote, I thought that it was amazing how the rest of Asia was influenced by China in this time period, and began to wonder again, what can't China do. Once I found out that China was a large influence in China, I began to think that it would be a large influence to the world.

China:Its History and Culture 1-71

In this first section of the history of China, there are many things that have been said, such as the land: its geography and people. The religion and culture, what they believed in and what do they do for certain things, or certain days of the year, and even how and when they celebrate a new year. Starting from the beginning, the history of  China starts with its first dynasty: The Zhou Dynasty, from 1027 - 221 B.C. There were many things that came from the Zhou Dynasty, such as religion, where they worshiped their ancestors and the spirits of Nature. From the Zhou dynasty came other events in China, such as unification and expansion, which leads into the next two dynasties, the Qin and Han dynasties.

"To the average westerner, China has always been, ever since Marco Polo, a mysterious and fascinating country."
After reading this quote I felt the same way as any westerner because I always believed that China was amazing after obtaining many toys as a child that were "made in China". At the same time I thought "What can't China do?" It made me wonder and anxious to find out.